I arrived back from skiing in the french alps yesterday feeling serious post holiday blues, only to find the latest Coeliac Ireland newsletter in my postbox along with the 2014 foodlist. We all know that getting post is a bit of a guilty pleasure but the real reason I was so excited by this is pictured above.
I’m hugely proud to say that Emma Clarke Conway, PR & Communications Manager with the society asked me to submit an article for the newsletter and it was printed in the latest edition! The article focuses on my top tips for using the internet as a resource for coeliacs and I hope it’s helpful to those who read it.
I never though that anything I have written was worthy of being printed so I really am so chuffed with the inclusion.  Thanks to Mos for the photoshoot that produced my cover photo, my mum for the lovely backdrop in the form of her kitchen and to the society for the opportunity.