Brownies are one of the easiest cakes to do a nice GF version and no-one will ever know the difference.

I use a mismatch of recipes that are in my head and generally just go with my gut. I use the Rachel Allen recipe from her favourite food book  if I’m having a complete mental block.  I find BBC Good Food is good if you fancy trying something different with a recipe so if you have a google you may find some nice varieties of brownie there.


3 medium eggs

100g GF flour (I use Doves Farm)

200g Caster sugar

150g Chocolate (I use the Moser Roth Milk or Dark Chocolate from Aldi, 1.5 packs ish)

150g Butter

Pinch Xanthan Gum (You can get this in health shops, is supposed to give back some of the elasticity that gluten takes away, I dunno if it makes much difference to be honest)

2 handfuls of nuts, crushed (Walnuts or maybe hazelnuts)


1. Melt butter and chocolate together

2. Mix eggs and sugar together

3. Add the butter&choc mix to the eggs&sugar mix

4. Stir in flour, xanthan gum and the nuts

5. Whack in a baking tray, I usually grease with butter and cook for 20-30 mins at 180C roughly. Completely depends on your oven. I usually throw in at 180C and then turn down to 150C after about 10 mins.

6. When they look done, they probably are – stick knife (obvs you should really use a fancy cake checker thingy) in to the brownie and if  no goo comes out you’re laughing. In saying that, I like a bit of gooeyness so I would prob just turn off the oven at this point and leave for another 5 mins in there.

7. Leave to cool, chop up as you like and NOM